Thursday 20 January 2022

When Old Joe Went to Sin City: Musings on DixiePublicans Masquerading as Democrats

One never expected much from old Joe Manchin beyond the Corporate Inquisition. One suspects he would sell out his own mother for BigCorporateAmerica. It is sad to see that SinCity is a kind of clone of old Joe, however, a clone with a bit of a difference. While old Joe, no doubt, would have sold out Jewish citizens to German Nazis for BrotherCoal, SinCity sells American citizens out to a utterly moronic idea, the idea that macchiavelian our way or the highway DixiePublicans (definitely tipsy) will "get along" if we simply look the other way while they, who don't trust their own ideas in the marketplace of ideas, manipulate voting and gerrymander their way toward Theocratic America. SinCity, get thee to the increasingly fascist Dixiepublican Party. That is where you truly belong. Bah humbug.

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