Sunday 16 January 2022

There the Right Wing Blowhole Blows...

The news headline blares: Governor of Virginia bans Critical Race Theory. You can't make this shite up. First off, CRT isn't generally taught in primary and secondary schools in Virginia so there is literally nothing to cancel. But then these right-wing loops love to blow fictional spew through their blow holes for political fun and economic profit. Second, to ban CRT at Virginia Tech or UVA raises free speech issues, you know, the free speech guarenteed in the US Contsitution right wing morons like the governor of Virginia claim to think was handed down by god in white gloves from golden heaven. It also points up the fact that right-wing anti-intellectual nuts who have been bathed in rivers of mythic fiction that they mistake for fact and simply can't handle historical fact or methodological validity. Finally, "brainiacs" like the governor of Virginia claim to hate cancel culture while simultaneously cancelling culture. What more can you say about these  gumby's other than that they are gomerian morons? Uh, that they are slimy, slaggy, and skanky Macchiavelian demagogues with delusions of righteousness and delusions of messiahood who think that their way is the only way. I suppose that one might say that in all this they truly do represent the worst in religion.

By the way, I can't wait for the Abbey Lincoln v. Freddy Douglas debate...

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