Tuesday 18 January 2022

In the Land of Cotton: Musings on Contemporary Dixiecrats...

Now this is priceless. You can't dream this crap up. For someone like Sinema, who refuses to make Congress work again and who supports voting dispossession, to celebrate service on MLK Day is an astounding example of tone deafness. But then Sin is a politician without apparently much of a social ethical consciousness or a sense of history.

Well here is some real authentic history for you. Using the filibuster to block a voting rights bill and undermine, in the process, the civil rights of Americans (something the illegitmate Supreme Court in all their theorcratic and authoritian Christian lackeysism supports), does that sound familiar? Well it should because that is what the Dixiecrats did in the 1960s. That is what they, the Republicans cum Dixiecrats, along with their good old time Dixiecrat felllow travellers (It's the Sin), are doing today. The difference is that in the 1960s there were Republicans who supported the bill and who supported the right of all Americans to vote. Now that the Republicans have been dixiefornicated, theocraticised, and authoritianised, all they care about is power, their power. And, as a result, once again, the Republicans are displaying for those with eyes to really see that which is truly and fully disgusting about human beings, their fake American oligarchic "democracy" (Jolly Joe Manchin is, of course, a running dog lackey for the Big Corporation that really runs the US; I suspect the Sin is too), and their fake Mammon worshipping Dollar Bill and White Race Christianity.

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