Tuesday 23 July 2024

We Are Special: Musings on Human Self-Centredness


One of the things humans are is ethnocentric in some way, shape, or form. They have believed and they continue to believe that they are special, that their family is special, that their clan is special, that their clique is special, that their tribe is special, that their identity group is special, that their religion is special, and that their state or nation is special. They continue to replicate, in other words, in a self-centred culture in which they are the centre of and measure of everything, a culture of human narcissism.

Well humans are indeed special. They are especially special at brutalising, terrorising, and mass murdering their own species. They are especially special at producing and circulating bullshit, at creating all sorts of manufactured fictional “realities” that continue to produce lowest common denominator humans on a mass scale particularly in the modern and postmodern ages. They are especially special when it comes to gullibility, at buying snake oil from the demagogic salesmen and saleswomen who sell it and pied piper it, something again increasingly common in the mass modern and mass postmodern periods. They are especially special at destroying the planet they live on and which gave them and gives them life, something that has been particularly prevalent since the rise of modern and postmodern social formations. They are especially special at greed, a greed they use to justify human cruelty toward other humans. They are especially special at commodifying their own bodies for a host of economic, political, and cultural gazes. They are especially special when it comes to banality, mundanity, and triviality. They are especially special in conjoining blissful ignorance with blissful arrogance. They are especially special at emotionally driven jealousies, jealousies that far often lead to brutality and murder. They are especially special at emotionally driven abuse, abuse that far too often leads to brutality and murder. They are especially special, particularly in their modern and postmodern ages, at creating autocratic and authoritarian police states which herd the masses like sheep and cattle into little socialised for conformity pens. They are especially special at creating weapons of mass destruction which can now wipe most of them off the planet, something that many might see as a small mercy since the planet is plagued by a biblical like plague of human locusts. They are especially special at creating fictional “realities” which, in turn, produce neurotic,  psychopathic, and sociopathic versions of themselves, something which again has become more prominent in the modern and postmodern eras. They are especially special at lying to themselves and deluding themselves, They are especially special at hypocrisy, one of humanities oldest “professions". Humans, in other words, are especially special at mass moronicity, mass skankiness, and unconscious and semi-conscious mass suicide.

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