Thursday 2 July 2020

Welcome to the Kingdom of Glupov...

The Dixiefornication of the Republican Party has given us not only an incompetent narcissistic moron as president, a theocratic idiot grandpa as vice-president, and Republican lawmakers who have turned stupidity into a not so fine art. It has also given us [pun intended] ever increasing levels of anti-intellectual moronicity in a nation that has become a textbook example of an Idiocracy and a casebook example of a country in which moronicity is running ever more amok.

These red, white, and blue faced idiots screaming and yelling about big government taking away their right to be a moron, don't even have the brains to realise that they are not anywhere close to being the hard volcanic island of right wing myth. Given this empirical reality these empirically challenged morons are not free to inflict their moronicity--their failure to wear a mask and distance during a pandemic that is killing thousands, for instance--on me or anyone else.

These meatheaded members of the cult of moronicity do not seem to realise the obvious, that we live in a world and in a country of networks and that we live in a world and a country in which what one person does or doesn't do, can and does impact others. As most writers on liberty from an Enlightenment perspective realised long ago, but apparently not these goobers, when you have a multitude of individuals you have a multitude of potential liberties which are sometimes in conflict. Hence someone or something, the imperfect government, for example, is necessary in order to adjudicate between liberties. Nor do they appear to comprehend that liberties are, like speech, limited. One does not have the liberty to commit murder, at least officially, nor does one have the liberty to falsely yell fire in a theatre. One can only assume that this nuanced exploration of liberty is irrelevant to these morons since for them the only liberty is, in a kind of bully boy meets dictatorial "approach", their liberty. For them, in other words, it is their liberty their way or you can hit the highway.

I wouldn't give a fuck about all this if these morons were snuffing themselves in a kind of death cult in love with dying and doing it in Texas fashion. When they threaten me and others, however, I do give a fuck. These morons have no right to threaten my health or my life or the lives and health of others.

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