Wednesday 8 April 2020

Self-Love and Death in the Kingdom of Drumpf...

"And as it was prophesied, narcissistic morons who cared more about abstract and ahistorical fantasies than their fellow man came upon the land like a plague of demonic locusts in the time of the coronavirus. Led by the Clown Prince of Narcissists they huffed and puffed and whinged and whined and rent their bright orange garments and proclaimed in one voice the ravings of their deranged messiah".
The Book of Moronic 10:32

Trump was warned about the coming coronavirus pandemic in Janaury. If he had initiated the Defense Production Act at that point, then US industry could have stepped up the production of masks and ventilators throughout February and saved god knows how many lives in the process. But no, mad King Drumpf proclaimed the pandemic a "hoax" and than "a flu" and then repeatedly proclaimed that he was a genius to whoever would listen while people were dying in Asia and Europe, rather than prepare the US for what was clearly, by that time, a deadly pandemic. There is no doubt that mad Konig Donald will go down in history as exactly what he is, a narcissistic, self-satisfied, incompetent, and Christian prosperity gospel elitist who is doing to the country what he did to himself on several occasions, bankrupting it, particularly on a moral and humane level.

Now, Trump, who, as self centred narcissists always do, is finding fault with everyone but himself and is looking, as "heretic" hunting demagogues always do, for a scapegoat or scapegoats to blame so that he can, at least psychologically and demagogically, wash the blood of Americans from his blood stained hands like a modern day Pontius Pilate. Trump is trying to put the blame on Democrats for fomenting a fake pandemic to bring the economy down and him in the process (the Jews are poisoning wells and are out to get me gambit) or blaming the World Health Organisation for not doing what he didn't do (and which wouldn't have really helped anyway by that time). But then Trump is a textbook case of a mentally disturbed egomaniacal macchiavelian.

I, for one, have no interest in living in a kingdom run by yet another in a long line of mad Bavarian "monarchical" nutjobs. I think it is time for those of us who do not wish to live in Trump's kingdom of banality and insanity to seek out an alternative. We should probably do it before Trump kills us all.

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