Tuesday 19 May 2015

Woe is Me: A Target Kiada Tale

School was on break so I thought I would drive out to BJ's off Central Avenue in Albany, New York and get some petrol and then check out Target. I am always on the look out for DVD sales and Target occasionally some of the best in the Capital District. It was a windy day, either the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th of March. I don't remember the date precisely but I do remember how windy it was. Then it was off to work my shift at Honest Weight.

So I get some petrol at BJ's, check out the DVD bins at BJ's, and then head to Target for another DVD adventure. I drove in the back way behind the store. Then I turned left at the first entrance and parked near David's Bridal to avoid the car, cart, and people congestion that inevitably makes the area near Targets door crowded. I have long assumed it is safer for my car.

When I come out of Target and walk east toward my car I begin to see something against it. It is one of those plastic red and grey Target carts that I thought, that I hoped, my car would be safe from. I can see as I get closer to my car that the cart is still there because it is being held in place by the mirror on the passenger side of the automobile. Murphy's Law, or was it perhaps someone who didn't corral the cart, strikes again?

I moved the cart out of the way and then checked out the car as best as I could. It was hared to tell if anything had been done to it. It was winter, a harsh one even for upstate, NY. The car was dirty thanks to the dirt and salt that is put down on the road and is splashed on to your car by other vehicles pass by turning it into a block of moving dirt and salt grime. I thought perhaps I felt a slight dent but I had gloves on and the combination of limited sun and darkness did not help me see what I was looking at.

Thinking that there was nothing I could, New York, I thought was a no fault insurance state, I went to work at Honest Weight. A few weeks later a couple of people at Honest Weight told me I should contact Target. I did. I gave the information to one of the day manager, a female, on shift. She said a Target employee who deals with issues of cart versus car crashes would look at the videotape taken the day I parked my car near David's Bridal, the same place, apparently, Target employees park.

It is now May and I have heard nothing from Target. Needless to say I am not happy. And while I realise I should not have left before contacting Target, the videotape information should back up my story. So should the fact that now the car has been washed and one can clearly see the indentation the cart left along with a revealing stream of grey left by the Target cart when it smashed into my automobile.

I guess my only option now is to think about taking legal action against Target and getting hold of the videotapes before they wipe them. Yes?

It is now October and despite Target claiming they lost how to contact me, despite the MOD I talked to at Target saying she said she would watch the tapes of the days I gave her and get back to me but never got back to me, and despite getting the usual Kafka meets Alice in Wonderland runaround I finally heard from target on 22 September. Not surprisingly they, in the form of Kyle Ewert, Claims Associate, denied my claim. To compound the Kafkaesque and Alice in Wonderland nature of the whole affair Ewert had the wrong claim date despite me giving him a specific range of dates and times--9, 10, 11, or 12 March between 12 noon and 4 pm. It looks like contacting the Attorney General and going to court may be my only option to deal with the noticeable bump and grey line on my car caused by a Target cart. One thing I do know for sure is that I will never set foot in a Target again.

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