Sunday, 2 March 2025

Buying a Humidifier: Ron Goes Dreamzy


I had to buy a new humidifier recently as my old one went bung. A humidifier is essential in the apartment complex in which I live. It is an old house that has at least been around since the 1850s and whose heat is, as a consequence, old school. It was remodelled in the 1970s into five flats but its heat is still the old radiator heat which, as those who have lived with it know, dries out your flat in winter necessitating a humidifier particularly for people with sinus issues like myself. My sinuses, in fact, get so dry as I sleep with radiator heat and under blankets and in beds which make you hot that a humidifier is essential, along with periodic visits to Ear, Nose, and Throat medical specialists to counteract the additional stress radiators add to my already existing sinus problems (which my Father had as well).

I did some research online about what “tests” found the best humidifier to be. I ended up going with the Chinese made Dreamzy K30, the one with the copper ball (see below). It was pricy, even with it supposedly being on sale, and the shipping fee was substantial but I thought from the rating guides that it sounded interesting and sounded like the one for me.

When I got the humidifier I opened the box. Got it out. Read the instructions. Soaked the sticks which fit into a two pronged apparatus in the brass ball that create the mist, and filled the tank with tap water. Then I hooked it up. I noticed when I bought the item that it ran off of a very short usb chord so I made sure I had a plug that had a usb port in it in the power strip in my bedroom. I turned it on and voila…disappointment after a week and a half of use. Mist comes out of it as advertised but in much less amounts than I had hoped. It works but I had hoped it would work better.

As a senior I should say something about this humidifier and its use by seniors. Since you have to pick up the humidifier and take it to a tap to fill it it after detaching the top, which isn’t easy even for those without arthritis, it is very cumbersome for seniors to use. Probably best to avoid it altogether and seek other easier to use options.

Given the limited stream flow I may have to supplement my Dreamzy with another. On the other hand I may have to buy one with a more substantial mist flow entirely particularly since the mist flow in this one seems to get worse with use not better, and has just stopped entirely. I did try to contact the company via the email on the site I ordered from but it came back as undeliverable making me wonder if I was the victim of a scam. Perhaps i should contact the attorney general of New York state. Anyway, caveat emptor and definitely don’t believe the hype and don’t waste you money on this overhyped piece of crap.

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