In cultural anthropology you are taught—and rightly so—that cultures vary across space. Contemporary cultural anthropology and history rightly teaches us that culture also varies across time.
Despite the simple descriptive fact that culture varies across space and time there are many who have thought and who continue to think, despite the more than ample evidence to the contrary, that many people create their own “realities”, that a mixture of reality and rationality can cure anyone of this false reality syndrome and that, as a consequence, the human race can live happily ever after as they progress ever further toward paradise along the yellow brick road to utopia, a secular version of the Christian Eden.
The problem with this notion—that humans can progress thanks to science and rationality—is that it does not grasp the obvious fact that those who live in manufactured “realities” don’t simply go away or fade into the dark night of superstition anymore than does religion, ignorance, stupidity, or moronicity. There are, for example, many White Protestant Christian evangelicals, who believe that Donald Trump is god’s weak yet strong vessel who has been called by the White Protestant Christian evangelical god to make America great and godly again. As a consequence, they do not and cannot believe that Trump resoundingly lost the 2020 election, though he, of course, did, something that should be a red flag for those who believe that god makes the world go around for if he does and if she made Biden win in 2020, well you get the picture. God’s will, they believe, can only be subverted by devious and demonic subterfuge making the Trump lost the election of 2020 ideology akin to the idiotic and moronic claims that Jews were secretly poisoning wells and murdering Christian children in the Mediaeval era of European history and the various variations on this anti-Semitic theme in Europe and European settler societies seemingly ever after.
The fact that created “realities” and those who believe them and have faith in them don’t go away also explains why you cannot compromise with those who believe they have a monopoly on the truth and who, as a consequence, believe they are called by god to a holy crusade to make god’s will be done, the point at which Christianity paradoxically given Nietzche’s criticism of Christianity as the religion of the weak, meets up and merges with the will to power of the Christian Nietzschean macho superman on a crusade for Christ. These “Christian” ubermensch will take the inch of compromise, say a religious oriented charter school, but they want the mile, they want to make the charter school a house of intense socialisation, what some might call indoctrination or brainwashing. Even the mile, however, isn’t good enough for them. They want the proverbial whole nine yards. They want to make the United States into their own image, something that should not be surprising given that they are self-satisfied, holier than thou, we are always in the right because god is on our side saintly sinner theocrats. And they will not stop until they make America into their own image by “convincement” or coercion, the carrot or the stick.
Welcome to TrumpWorld, a world that never goes away, and OrangeTrumpifornication. So, be afraid, be very afraid.
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