Saturday 2 April 2022

Musings on Historical Explanation

The contention, thought out or parroted, that great power struggles, the US's attempt to demonise, delegitimise, and isolate Russia, the Ukrainian civil war, US covert and overt actions in the Ukraine since the 1990s, and US backtracking on promises had nothing to do with the current crisis in the Ukraine seems to me to be problematic. It seems to me to be an attempt by some, mostly apologists and polemicists for the American civil religion and the devotees of that American national faith, to negate what should be obvious to anyone with an empirical and contextual mind, namely that long term and short term economic, political, cultural, demographic, and geographic factors structure human history. 

Such an assertion seems to me akin to arguing that great power struggles between the French and the British in the "new world", the French and Indian War, and the British attempt to make the Colonials pay for at least some of the cost the expensive French and Indian War, to get the Colonials to pay for their own protection, in other words, were not factors in the coming of the American Revolution. That assertion seems to me as equally causally problematic as the similar argument about the Ukrainian war and a prime example of "intellectual" boot scoot boogieing. 

It is, of course, another matter to note the fact that the Colonials seemed to, by opposing taxes to pay for the French and Indian War, want something for nothing, a rather common human and American cultural trait at least since the coming of the modern world.

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