Tuesday 27 July 2021

Musings on Soil With a Little Blood Thrown In For Good Measure...

Like a lot of people I have lived in a lot of places or locales over the course of my life. I accept reality, the reality that I have lived in them all. I may have some emotional attachments to some, for a variety of reasons, more than others, but that does not mean that I didn't live in those other places. Not all of the places I have lived, by the way, were by choice. Sometimes you got to go where you got to go, sometimes someone or something drags you somewhere, and sometimes you are somewhere because of an accident of birth.

Here is the bit about blood... Humans are "hybrids", of course. Sadly, a lot of people create a fantasy and prefer to live in those fantasy worlds rather than in the real world. I would tell those who live with fantasies to get over them but it wouldn't have any effect because they prefer their little myths and delusions to reality and have preferred such fantasies for a long time.

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