Saturday 2 May 2020

I See Nothing: Right Wing Anti-Governmental Amnesia

There is so much to admire, in a world turned upside down sort of way, about the moronic Quack Attack of devotees of the Cult of the Orange One. Chief amongst them is one of many realities they can no longer see because their minds have been colonised by a moronic anti-historical and anti-empirical ideology thanks to the right wing demagogues who have logosed in their ears, and that is the historical and empirical reality of who controls governments. To wit: the president of the US is a narcissistic and delusional failed businessman who has declared bankruptcy at least five times, while Mnuchin, one of the few adults in the Trump romper room, is a former investment banker. Those who run the government, in other words, are capitalists of the neoliberal sort until, of course, a crisis hits and they become born again Keyensians like Bush and Trump whose goal, in particular, is to bail out the 1%. So, the very thing the ditto heads are dittoing on about, government, is controlled by the clique and cabal they claim to adore, capitalists. Talk about bizarre.

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